I dressed up as "Moko" Kanae

I got a pair of painter's coveralls, and seam-ripped the front pockets off. I tried to create the logo for the front and back, using screen shots from the anime (I only had ms paint back then) and quite honestly it was horrible even though I spent a lot of time on it. click here to see it. A deviantart member (who just happened to be a graphic design student) offered to recreate it on adobe illustrator, and it looked awesome! (I am soooo thankful for it too). Then I picked out a bright pink dye with my mom. it was probably the most vibrant pink I ever saw created by dye (the costume judges at Fandemonium thought so too). We then took a picture of the logo to the screen printing shop in town and had the logo printed really big on the back. Then we went home and used print on transfer sheets to create the front logo. I took a pillowcase and cut and sewn it into a little pouch to put on my belt.

My costume almost won 3rd place in the costume contest, because of the vivid even color of the dye. but there were much better costumes there than mine. I still had fun.
Fandemonium is a convention of many different forms of geekdom, so anime was not the only thing being supported there. There were videogame rooms and tournaments, tabletop and Trading-Card games and awesome metals and prizes for winning them. I met lots of new people with similar interests as me. And because of Fandem. I have new friends that I still keep contact with and people still recognize me from this con when I see them at other events... I highly recommend con-going to any geek (or fan of something strange)... here are some more photos